The West Virginia Water Development Authority (WDA) serves as a revenue bond bank that provides financing for construction of wastewater and water facilities to Local Governmental Agencies (LGAs--municipalities, public service districts and other political subdivisions).
The WDA's mission is to provide communities in West Virginia financial assistance for development of wastewater, water and economic infrastructure that will protect the streams of the State, improve drinking water quality, protect public health and encourage economic growth.
The WDA is the administrator and fiduciary of the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund (Infrastructure Fund).
Using money from the Infrastructure Fund, the WDA buys local government bonds, make grants to local governments and loans for
economic development projects at the direction of the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council (Council).
The WDA services all bonds and loans made at the direction of Council. The WDA provides staff and office space for the
Council and also provides the GIS system for Council use.
Information on the Council, its procedures and the GIS system is available at www.wvinfrastructure.com
The WDA purchases local government bonds financed through the West Virginia Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and
the West Virginia Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund (DWTRF) and provides servicing and oversight on loans/bonds.
Economic Enhancement Grant Fund
The West Virginia Water Development Authority is happy to announce its new funding program, the Economic Enhancement Grant Fund. For more guidance and access to all application forms for
this new program, click here.
Senate Bill 400 provided a waiver of the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity for projects that are funded by ARPA/SFR through the Economic Enhancement Grant Fund. The PSC issued an order
establishing the ratemaking process for projects identified in SB 400. Click here for Senate Bill 400 and here for Senate Bill 400 PSC Order.
Non-Federal Congressional Spending Fund Match
Click the link below to fill out the application. Please email all completed applications to Ann.V.Urling@wv.gov.
Non-Federal Match For Congressional Spending Fund Application
State & Federal Funding Sources
Click the link below for a resources outlining available state and federal funding sources.
State & Federal Funding Sources
Current RFP
The West Virginia Water Development Authority will receive proposals at its office (1009 Bullitt Street, Charleston, WV) until 2:00 pm on August 2nd, 2024. A copy of the RFP is linked below.The Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
RFP For Audio Visual & Conferencing
Board Meeting
WDA Board Meeting - January 2nd, 2025 at 2:00 PM.
WDA Audit Committee Meeting - October 10th, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
WDA Audit Committee Agenda
WDA Board Meeting Agenda