1009 Bullitt St.
Charleston, WV 25301
p: 304-414-6500
f: 304-414-0865



The WDA is proud to announce its most recent program, the Economic Enhancement Grant Fund. Created in April of 2022, the Economic Enhancement Grant Fund appropriated $427,000,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to WDA for use on projects across the state. Below are the guidelines and applications for this program.

EEGF Summary

EEGF Guidance

EEGF Infrastructure (Economic Development) Project Applications

EEGF Designate Sub-section Application

EEGF Matching Grant Only Application

EEGF Bid Overrun Application

EEGF Bid Overrun Application Vs. 2

EEGF Closing Request

EEGF Advertise to Bid

The WDA administers a variety of programs to provide long-term, short-term and private-activity financing at favorable interest rates for design, construction, improvement and acquisition of wastewater and water systems.

The WDA's programs are funded with proceeds from water development bonds issued by the WDA. Moneys in the various programs are loaned to Local Governmental Agencies (LGAs--municipalities, public service districts and other political subdivisions) through the purchase of local revenue bonds or notes issued by the LGAs. The LGAs repay the loans from the revenues of the systems or other permanent financing.

Major responsibilities of the WDA include:

  • Managing the WDA's various loan programs.
  • Coordinating infrastructure-related revenue bond issuance activity.
  • Serving as fiduciary of the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund (WVIF).
  • Serving as administrative agency for the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council (Infrastructure Council).
  • Administering the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF).
  • Serving as financial manager for the Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund (DWTRF).
  • Servicing loans funded by the DWTRF, WVIF and WDA.
  • Providing secondary market disclosures and other information to rating agencies and bond insurers.
  • Maintaining financial records and preparing and analyzing financial statements for three programs that are audited annually by certified public accounting firms.
  • Working with LGAs on project development and funding solutions.

The WDA administers the Infrastructure Council's financing programs by:

  • Serving as fiduciary of the WVIF.
  • Administering the local bond process.
  • Disseminating loan and/or grant agreements.
  • Closing loans and/or grants with LGAs.
  • Disbursing payments to projects.
  • Maintaining financial records and preparing and analyzing financial statements for annual audit by a certified public accounting firm.
  • Maintaining bonds, notes, bond transcripts and files.
  • Issuing bonds on behalf of the Infrastructure Council.

The WDA serves as administrative agency for the Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) CWSRF by:

  • Administering the local bond process.
  • Preparing loan agreements.
  • Closing loans with LGAs.
  • Maintaining bonds, bond transcripts and project-related files for annual program audits.
  • Providing ongoing loan servicing functions.

The WDA serves as financial manager for the Bureau for Public Health's (BPH) DWTRF by:

  • Administering the local bond process.
  • Preparing loan agreements.
  • Closing loans with LGAs.
  • Disbursing payments to projects.
  • Maintaining financial records and preparing and analyzing financial statements for annual audit by a certified public accounting firm.
  • Maintaining bonds, bond transcripts and project-related files for annual program audits.
  • Providing ongoing loan servicing functions.